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How to Upload Profile Pictures on Steam

You lot tin can upload any picture in the artwork department.

Originally posted by Zespri:

You can upload any picture in the artwork department.

Oh thank you very much! :)


6 Nov, 2014 @ 7:51am

Once you achieve level 10 you can. Just add the "artwork showcase" and upload the pictures you desire through any games artwork hub. There will be an "upload to profile" button.

EDIT: ninja'd

Last edited by Utage; 6 Nov, 2014 @ 7:51am

Originally posted past Utage:

Once you accomplish level 10 you tin. But add the "artwork showcase" and upload the pictures you lot want through any games artwork hub. There will be an "upload to profile" button.

I was planning on putting pictures non Steam games related... Do I need to be lvl 10+? :(


6 Nov, 2014 @ 7:56am

Originally posted by Mhai:

Originally posted by Utage:

One time you reach level 10 you tin. Just add the "artwork showcase" and upload the pictures y'all desire through any games artwork hub. There will be an "upload to contour" button.

I was planning on putting pictures non Steam games related... Do I need to be lvl 10+? :(

Yous can actually upload regardless of level, only to evidence it on your contour, you demand to be level x to get a 'Showcase'

Originally posted by Night Ace:

Originally posted by Mhai:

I was planning on putting pictures non Steam games related... Practise I demand to be lvl 10+? :(

Y'all tin actually upload regardless of level, but to show it on your profile, you demand to exist level 10 to get a 'Showcase'

Oh I see! Give thanks you lot so much! Merely where can I upload? I seem to misfile myself with what options to seek with this posting concern...


6 Nov, 2014 @ 7:59am

Originally posted by Mhai:

Originally posted by Dark Ace:

Y'all tin can actually upload regardless of level, but to show it on your profile, you lot need to be level 10 to get a 'Showcase'

Oh I come across! Thank you so much! Simply where can I upload? I seem to misfile myself with what options to seek with this posting concern...

Only got any game forum, find the artwork tab and upload. After you've done all the stuff (name, upload, description etc.) on the push button page, you tin can cull to upload it for yourself (cipher to practise with the game) :OrangeSurprise:

Last edited by Acey; half dozen November, 2014 @ 8:00am


half dozen Nov, 2014 @ 8:01am

Originally posted by Mhai:

Originally posted by Utage:

Once y'all reach level 10 you lot tin can. Just add the "artwork showcase" and upload the pictures you want through any games artwork hub. In that location volition be an "upload to contour" button.

I was planning on putting pictures non Steam games related... Practise I need to be lvl 10+? :(

You only need to exist level 10 if you desire to showcase them on your profile, otherwise there's a fiddling artwork link that leads to them.
You tin upload whatsoever picture regardless of your level, similar Zespri said, just go to the artwork section of your profile. Or to the artwork section of a gamehub.

If you don't know what a showcase is you can glance at my profile, if that helps.

Last edited by Utage; 6 Nov, 2014 @ 8:01am

Originally posted past Dark Ace:

Originally posted by Mhai:

Oh I see! Cheers and so much! But where tin can I upload? I seem to confuse myself with what options to seek with this posting concern...

Simply got whatsoever game forum, notice the artwork tab and upload. After you've done all the stuff (name, upload, description etc.) on the button page, you lot can choose to upload it for yourself (nothing to exercise with the game) :OrangeSurprise:

That is really helpful! And I will exist sure to practise that. Thank you for beingness detailed and thanks for helping! :) <3

Originally posted by Utage:

Originally posted by Mhai:

I was planning on putting pictures non Steam games related... Do I need to be lvl 10+? :(
You only demand to be level 10 if you want to showcase them on your profile, otherwise there'south a little artwork link that leads to them.
Yous can upload whatsoever picture regardless of your level, like Zespri said, just become to the artwork section of your contour. Or to the artwork section of a gamehub.

If yous don't know what a showcase is you can glance at my profile, if that helps.

Thanks for showing me the process of information technology! Also, thank yous for providing an example! :) You helped a lot! :D

No offense, merely isn't the contour film enough..?

Originally posted by iza :>:

No offense, simply isn't the profile picture enough..?

Well, people have unlike preferences so I remember posting a affair or two of my desire picures to mail on my own contour wouldnt hurt nobody. :)

Originally posted by Mhai:

Originally posted by iza :>:

No offense, but isn't the profile moving-picture show plenty..?

Well, people have unlike preferences so I think posting a affair or ii of my want picures to mail service on my own profile wouldnt hurt nobody. :)

It'south not about preferences, i'm probable trying to save you from doing dumb stuff. This is very dumb. If you lot add together me, i can send you a link of some special attentionw**** using Steam as Facebook. She gets a ton of hate.

Final edited by iza; half-dozen Nov, 2014 @ viii:18am

You only need Lvl 10 for a showcase similar on my Contour. Otherwise just upload pictures to a random game and choose to only upload it to your profile from there.

Originally posted past Sir Pootis TLB:

You but need Lvl 10 for a showcase like on my Profile. Otherwise just upload pictures to a random game and choose to only upload information technology to your profile from in that location.

Cheers! I was able to do it that way and thank you for helping me out! :)

Originally posted by Mhai:

Originally posted by Sir Pootis TLB:

You lot simply need Lvl 10 for a showcase like on my Profile. Otherwise just upload pictures to a random game and choose to simply upload it to your profile from there.

Give thanks y'all! I was able to exercise it that style and give thanks y'all for helping me out! :)

No problem. :AkiraGGN:
